"Service user involvement is one of the key challenges in Finnish mental health care." This argument by researcher, PhD Päivi Rissanen represents a problem and a call to action that concerns not only the Finnish mental health sector but also the health and social services sector as a whole, together with the diverse clientele that it serves.

On the website of National institute for Health and Welfare (THL) one can find definitions for service user involvement, examples for means to increase it and discussions about pertinent laws, policies and research in the field. (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos i.a.) Also the Ministry of social affairs and health has a website about service user involvement, which outlines the Ministry's responsibilities in advancing it. (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö i.a.). Strengthening service user involvement is included in municipal substance abuse and mental health strategies, and for example, it is the topic of a chapter in a guide provided to municipalities for the preparation of substance abuse and mental health strategies (Laitila, Minna 2013, 5).
As a social and health care field professionals we should become familiar with laws, projects, initiatives and studies that concern service user involvement both at the national and international level. Consequently we can be prepared to bring current information to the grassroots and apply it practical decision making. We should work to support our clients' mental health through all levels (individual, community, structural) and participate in a variety of mental health forums together with our clients. Through our own examples we can demonstrate the ways in which service user involvement can be improved, how to listen to clients, and engage them in the planning, development and preparation of different projects because involvement improves ownership, which in turn helps achieve better mental health. It's time to act.
Era, Taina 2013. Osallisuus – oikeutta vai pakkoa? Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Viitattu 25.4.2016. Saatavissa https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/64153/JAMKJULKAISUJA1562013_web.pdf?sequence=1
Karjalainen, Jarno & Raivio, Helka 2013. Osallisuus ei ole keino tai väline, palvelut ovat! Osallisuuden rakentuminen 2010-luvun tavoite-ja toimintaohjelmissa. Teoksessa Era Taina (toim.) Osallisuus -oikeutta vai pakkoa? Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Viitattu 25.4.2016. Saatavissa https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/64153/JAMKJULKAISUJA1562013_web.pdf?sequence=1
Rissanen, Päivi 2016. Finnish Central Association for Mental Health and rehabilitation model. "Mental health and Wellbeing – focus on homeless and underprivileged populations" seminar 23.4.2016. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu.Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö i.a. Osallisuuden edistäminen. Viitattu 25.4.2016. Saatavissa http://stm.fi/osallisuuden-edistaminen
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos i.a. Mielenterveyden edistäminen. Viitattu 25.4.2016. https://www.thl.fi/fi/web/mielenterveys/mielenterveyden-edistaminen
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos i.a. Sosku kehittää sosiaalista kuntoutusta. Viitattu 25.4.2015. https://www.thl.fi/fi/tutkimus-ja-asiantuntijatyo/hankkeet-ja-ohjelmat/sosiaalisen-kuntoutuksen-valtakunnallinen-kehittamishanke-sosku
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos i.a. Osallisuus. Viitattu 25.4.2016. https://www.thl.fi/fi/web/hyvinvointi-ja-terveyserot/eriarvoisuus/hyvinvointi/osallisuus
Who am I?
Marika Puurtinen, 42
Helsinki Deaconess Institute.Team leader of Kuninkaankallio housing service unit for homeless (Housing first principle). Nurse for mentally handicapped. Bachelor of social servicesDiaconia University of Applied Sciences. Master degree programme in social services (The promotion of health and wellbeing at risk of exlusion)
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