Topics to cover

To facilitate and stucture your learning process during the intensive seminar you are kindly requested to publish a blog text of your learning experiences. You can choose from two to three most important topics which you reflect on your blog text. The blog is a text that introduces the reader to important points of a seminar and reflects your own interpretations of the topics. In the text you can utilize your pre-existing knowledge, available litarature, past experiences as well as the new experiences from the seminar. The following themes can be reflected on the blog text:
  1. International, national and cultural perspectives of mental health (#cultural perspectives)
  2. Support of mental health and wellbeing among the homeless and underprivileged groups (#supporting mental health) 
  3. Interpretations and analysis of mental health disturbances as publich health problems (#mental health problems)
  4. Professional collaborative relationships on working with individuals, families and communities (#professionalism, #collaboration)
  5. Research and development activities (#R&D)
  6. The role of diaconia based institutions on supporting mental health and wellbeing (#diaconia and wellbeing)
The blog text should contain the following sections:
  • Interesting title and possible subtitles
  • Text itselft
  • The list of used resources
  • Introduction of the author (Who am I?)
  • Photos, if applicable
Please remember to add a short note of yourself to the end of the text  by title Who am I? including your name, age, institution, your field and level of studies, place of study and country.

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